Pédale de réverbération "Lévitation"

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Reverb machine
Have you ever wanted your tone to soar like a majestic eagle across a vast canyon? Maybe you're a mere mortal and just want your tone to sound like the cries of a sparrow in a small room... Now you can do both like a champ and so much more! Welcome to the Levitation™ reverb machine! This Levitation device is a vintage-voiced reverb that aims to fit somewhere between dirty '60s rooms, classic spring, and the big sounding plate reverbs of yesteryear. Four buttons and a switch control a little more than you'd expect. Want small room sound? Set all your controls to minimum and use the mix to dial in the sound for a room devoid of anything other than a guitar and an amp. Want to delight in infinite spatial oscillations? Switch the toggle to Long, increase Atmosphere and Decay, then log out. Dial in a brilliant slap by turning the Tone all the way counterclockwise and reducing the Decay. Dime everything for a rattling, full-bandwidth assault. You are only limited by your imagination!

1. Mix: Controls the amount of processed signal mixed with the dry signal. More reverb clockwise, less counterclockwise.

2. Length (Toggle): Wide travel control for decay time. Shorter on the left, longer on the right.

3. Decay: Controls the duration of the reverb decay. Longer clockwise, shorter counterclockwise.
4. Tone: This is an input bandwidth control for the reverberated signal. All clockwise reduces all bass content to create a brighter reverb, turning counterclockwise allows more bass to come through, resulting in a fuller reverbed sound.

5. Atmosphere: This is a harmonic regeneration control, it returns the higher frequencies of the reverb trails to create a more harmonic (ringing) reverb. More vibe clockwise, less counterclockwise.